After working on other things for the last few month’s I finally had a chance to get out again at the right time of day to have a go at working EU on the long path.
We headed up to Mt Gawler – VK5/SE-013 and proceeded to set up the phased verticals on 20M. Once set up a quick listen across 20M and it was fairly busy, and eventually found a free frequency and put up a spot.

On the 2nd call the spot was out and I had my first EU contact in the log with Danny, ON4VT at 05:52, and quickly followed with a whole lot more!

Now, I normallyforget that my phone has a easonable video camera in it, but today, I asked Ray to grab a bit of video.
At 06:20 once things started to pick up, we grabbed a few minutes – and the last 30-40 seconds where what it was like for at least 30 minutes!
It was a constant go and between 05:52 and 07:10 where I worked 75 contacts on 20M. In the mix there were 1 JA station, 2 US stations, 1 Canadian, 10 VK stations and 61 EU stations across several countries – including a new country for me from a summit – SV9RGI in Crete. In the mix there was around 15 EU contries in the 80 minutes I was on 20M
Full Logs – vk5se-013-20150613
Of course, I always give 40M a quick (or not so quick today) go to give the VK chasers a chance to score the points, so up went the 40M dipole.
As the sun was starting to go down and the temperature was falling, I added another 26 VK chasers to the log to give me a grand total of 101 chasers for the 2 hours.
It was a hectic time, but again, even if you are only a 2-pointer, if you are at the right place at the right time of day you can log a lot of contacts!
And yes, I love 2 elements on 20M from a summit!